Family law is a practice area that concerns all legal issues related to domestic relationships such as divorce, separation, paternity, child custody, parenting time or visitation, child support, maintenance or “alimony”, marital property, separate property and other property disputes and legal matters related to family issues. Family law issues can be very complicated and are often quite difficult for the involved parties to work though on their own. For this reason, people who are involved in a family law legal matter can benefit from retaining the services of the skilled family law attorneys at Wimberly & Associates, PLLC.

Emotional Cost, Time and Expense Associated with Divorce and Family Law Matters

here are a lot of factors to balance in divorce and family law matters here in the Louisville area. We help our clients to balance the emotional cost, control and influence over the outcome, time and actual expense associated with family law disputes.

The fastest and least expensive option is to negotiate an agreement between the parties with the help of their legal representatives. The attorneys at Wimberly & Associates, PLLC are skilled negotiators and work to achieve the goals and objectives of our clients. We work to establish common ground to prevent unnecessary conflict and to calm, not aggravate, the emotional balance between the parties. Negotiation provides the greatest degree of control and influence in these cases while limiting the amount of time and expense associated with the matter.

Mediation is an excellent alternative. The attorneys at Wimberly & Associates, PLLC represent our clients in mediation. Mediation is designed to be a safe, conflict free environment where the parties are guided by a neutral and experienced third party – known as the mediator. The mediator should contribute extensive experience and legal insight while helping the parties to work through the unique circumstances associated with their situation.

Multiple studies have proven those involved in family law disputes who reach agreements through negotiation or mediation are much more likely to abide by those agreements after the divorce is completed or the dispute is resolved. This prevents the emotional stress and expense of post-decree litigation.

The option which usually requires the greatest amount of time and expense also removes the ability of the parties to exert control over the process: litigation. The parties present their arguments before the judge (a total stranger) who imposes a solution upon them. These are usually not “win/lose” decisions. The judge will hope to make each party feel like they had to compromise their position to find a fair and equitable solution. In many cases both parties walk away from court feeling like they’ve lost.

This is why it is important to seek the advice of the attorneys at Wimberly & Associates, PLLC. We work to help families to find solutions they can live with. We work to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients without adding to the burdens they already carry.

Fatal Accidents Which Result in Wrongful Death

When someone loses their life in a fatal accident caused by another person it is legally known as a “wrongful death” here in Kentucky. Wrongful death
cases are quite legally complex. We manage all of the legal issues so that you and your family may focus on supporting one another through your loss.

Contact Louisville Family Law Attorneys

If you are looking for divorce or family law attorneys who will work to protect your interests and help you to accomplish your goals and objectives, while working to reduce (not enflame) the emotional duress of the situation in a timely and cost-effective manner we invite you to contact us or call (502) 208-1887.

Wimberly & Associates, PLLC – Your Lawyer for Life

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